The Good Reader Blog

The Good Reader Blog
Source of the painting - Couch on the Porch, Cos Cob, Frederick Childe Hassam, 1914

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Book Review: The Bookbinder by Pip Williams

The Bookbinder

The Bookbinder by Pip Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book written by Pip Williams that I've read; the first was The Dictionary of Lost Words which I read for book club last summer.  Both books are set in Oxford, England, deal with the Oxford Publishing House, and have some crossover characters.  This book (and both books, actually) is extremely charming and lovely, pulling me into the lives of these characters during World War I.  Peggy and Maude are twin sisters who have worked in the bindery of the Oxford Publishing House since they were 12 years old.  They live on a narrow boat and have followed in their mother's footsteps by working in the bindery.  Peggy longs to go to college, but family circumstances have not offered her that opportunity, especially since she has to keep an eye on Maude after her mother's death.  Her world expands when Belgian refugees arrive in Oxford and start working at the bindery.  In addition, she volunteers at the local hospital, experiencing the horrors of war first-hand. 

The book deals with words, language, books, scholarship, reading - all the things I love!  There are two librarians who figure prominently in the story, and both are heroes in their own way.   The story of the dedication of the two sisters is endearing, and the other characters in the book have very strong roles in Peggy and Maude's lives.  

I received an advanced reader copy from NetGalley and am very thankful for the opportunity to read this excellent historical novel.  Overall I highly recommend this book!  One of the best I've read so far this year!

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Sunday, August 13, 2023

Book Review: Better off Dead by Lee Child and Andrew Child (Jack Reacher #26)

Better off Dead

Better off Dead by Lee Child
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A small rural town.  A gang of bad guys involved in nefarious activities.  A woman in a troubling situation.  Enter Jack Reacher to save the day....

The scenario of this #26 Jack Reacher book is very similar to most of the others.  This is the second book written jointly by Lee and Andrew Child, and I have to admit that I'm not as thrilled with his recent books.  The plot was muddied, rambling, and difficult to follow at times.  It didn't have the page-turning quality that his previous books have had.  Don't get me wrong...I will continue to read the Reacher series (one already published and one to be published later this year) and hope that they improve.  

In the interim, I'm really looking forward to Reacher Season 2 starring Alan Ritchson on Prime Video.  It is based on Bad Luck and Trouble, and will be available in December 2023! 

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Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Book Review: The Mystery of Mrs. Christie by Marie Benedict

The Mystery of Mrs. Christie

The Mystery of Mrs. Christie by Marie Benedict
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A captivating historical fiction account of Agatha Christie and when she went missing for 11 days in 1926.  She left her husband and daughter, causing an uproar and extensive manhunt throughout England.  Marie Benedict does an excellent job of slowly giving the reader the background -- with dual timelines and dual narrators (both probably unreliable).  We are kept guessing throughout the various twists and turns in the book, with a few surprises left for the end.  We also get a peek into her life:  her overbearing mother, her rival sister, her domineering and philandering husband, her distant daughter, and her love of surfing of all things!  Apparently, no one really knows what happened to her during those missing 11 days, but the author provides a fascinating speculation about what may have happened.

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Saturday, August 5, 2023

Book Review: The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner

The Lost Apothecary

The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A very interesting book with a fascinating premise.  It contains two timelines:  1790s and present day -- both in London.  Nella is an apothecary in the 1790s who dispenses herbs and potions to women to help them with all types of diseases and conditions.  She also has a darker side as an apothecary; she surreptitiously provides poisons for women to use as revenge against men.   Twelve year old Eliza comes to Nella's shop to obtain some poison for her Mistress's husband, and ends up assisting Nella.

Caroline is on vacation in present day London - a vacation which was supposed to celebrate her 10th anniversary.  Having just found out her husband was having an affair, she left for London think about her future and where she is headed.  She finds an old apothecary jar and investigates it at the British Library.  

The dual timeline and characters keep the book jumping back and forth, always ending the chapters with cliffhangers.  There are several plot twists and turns along the way.  I really enjoyed this book in spite of the dark premise, and am looking forward to discussing with my book club this week.

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Book Review: Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center

Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center My rating: 4 of 5 stars I read this book for my summer boo...