The Good Reader Blog

The Good Reader Blog
Source of the painting - Couch on the Porch, Cos Cob, Frederick Childe Hassam, 1914

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Book Review: The Home Edit: A Guide to Organizing and Realizing Your House Goals by Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin

The Home Edit: A Guide to Organizing and Realizing Your House Goals The Home Edit: A Guide to Organizing and Realizing Your House Goals by Clea Shearer
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is coffee table home organization porn!  Page after glossy page of beautiful pictures of drawers, closets, cupboards, cabinets and pantries.  Everything arranged in a matching labelled bin or tray.  Milk, juice, cereal, flour, sugar, over-the-counter medications all taken out of their original packaging in order to be stored in glass containers.  Items all in ROYGBIV order -- rainbow color. 

I'm generously giving this book 3 stars.  There are some basic organizational techniques included:  start small with one drawer, take everything out, create groupings, and pare down your belongings.  But that's about all.  

Everything else in the book is the beautiful pictures which we all love to look longingly at.  Crayons, Lego and Hot Wheels cars divided into bins by color.   Bookcases with books arranged by color.  They even suggest arranging your spices by color!  But who are these people?!?  Do their drawers and cabinets really look like this?  And stay looking like this?  And who has toothpaste tubes in six different colors?

And they advocate going to the store and buying multiple bins and containers of various sizes.  After all, you can always return them.

This is an escapist book.  I got this book from my local library and spent a couple of hours dreaming of what my house could look like.  But then it was back to reality, and to my own spices which are arranged by type (baking, herbs, seeds, etc.).  I can recommend it for others who also like to dream about an organized home.  

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