The Good Reader Blog

The Good Reader Blog
Source of the painting - Couch on the Porch, Cos Cob, Frederick Childe Hassam, 1914

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Book Review: The Measure by Nikki Erlick

The Measure The Measure by Nikki Erlick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

WOW!  This is an incredible book!  Grabbed me from the first chapter and it was difficult to put it down.  I was a little hesitant about the book, and it's definitely not one that I would have selected myself.  It's categorized as science fiction and dystopic fiction, two genres that I typically don't like.  However, this one really worked for me. 

The premise is that one day everyone in the world receives their own box containing a string and a message - "The measure of your life lies within."   The length of the string indicates the length of their life.  There are short-stringers and long-stringers.

The story is told through short vignettes spotlighting about a dozen different characters.  Some of their lives are connected (siblings, partners) and some are complete strangers.  Some have long strings, some have short strings, and some have chosen not to open their boxes.  

What really worked for me was the interaction of all the characters.  We see them at their best and their worst, elated and depressed, hopeful and hopeless, loved and loveless.  It shows how they work through the knowledge of how long they have left and what they do with that time.  The book focuses on the haves and have-nots, social and healthcare inequalities, politics, quality of life, and more.  

I would highly recommend this book.  It is definitely going to be on my short list of good reads for 2023!  I read this for one of my book clubs and am anxious to discuss it with others.  

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