The Good Reader Blog

The Good Reader Blog
Source of the painting - Couch on the Porch, Cos Cob, Frederick Childe Hassam, 1914

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Book Review: The It Girl by Ruth Ware

The It Girl The It Girl by Ruth Ware
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another fantastic page-turner from Ruth Ware!  And of course I stayed up much too late in order to finish this book.

The story is set at Oxford University (England).  Shy Hannah is paired with wealthy and beautiful April as a roommate -- the "It Girl."  She is immediately immersed with April's friend group of Will, Hugh, Ryan and Emily, and they spend all their time with each other.  It's not a spoiler to reveal that April dies before the end of their first year at Oxford, and Hannah's testimony is instrumental in convicting the killer.  Fast forward 10 years and Hannah is married to Will and expecting their first child.  New evidence is uncovered which causes Hannah to seriously doubt what she saw.  Thus begins her quest to determine the truth about April's death.

I loved the sense of time and place that this book conveys -- Oxford, college days, academia, friendships.  The chapters alternate between "Before" and "After", and typically I don't like non-linear storytelling, but it really works here.  I was kept guessing throughout the book and read it in just a couple of days.  A solid 4 star thriller; highly recommended!

Thanks to NetGalley and Gallery Books/Scout Press for an advanced reader copy of this title!

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